Swingvasion Etiquette & Code of Conduct

  • Any questions the front desk will be able to help. Head that way.
  • This is an alcohol free event. There is strictly no glass permitted in the venue. However, juice and any other beverage contained in a sealable bottle is no problem. Please, if you have a spillage, seek help to clean it up yourself to save the person next to you standing in it!
  • Sickness can crop up at any time and we please ask that you stay home if you are unwell.
  • Belongings and bags need to be kept out of the way. Please put them under a table or against the wall.
  • Everyone is here to learn, but we all learn in our own way and at our own pace. Please refrain from giving unsolicited advice or feedback, both in class and on the social floor. The exception to this is if you are feeling unsafe or have been hurt.
  • We are spoiled for having so many people from around NZ and further abroad. Try to ask as many people to dance as you can.
  • Please be mindful of your partner's physical comfort level and respect their boundaries. Injuries, dance skill level or height difference are just a few factors which may influence someone’s comfort level.
  • We invite you to choose to dance in either role, lead or follow. We recommend for new dancers stick to one role for a few months to consolidate foundations while you are learning.
  • We have a strong belief in consent culture. Please ask for a dance and don’t take it personally if the answer is “no thank you”. If declining a dance, we always want to do so respectfully, but a “no thank you” is acceptable without any explanation.
  • We want everyone to feel safe and have a good time. We have a zero tolerance policy, and you may be asked to leave for inappropriate behaviours including; inappropriate/ sexual comments or jokes, unnecessary unconsented physical contact, pursuing someone who has said no or discrimination of any kind. If you feel uncomfortable or unsafe,or witness inappropriate behaviour, at any time for any reason, please speak to a crew member. If you are unsure who to approach, our designated contacts are Emily Anderson or Tim Goddard. If you report a problem, this will be handled discreetly and in confidence with the appropriate Swingvasion staff. In the event of any actions that are deemed to compromise a person’s safety or the etiquette of the event, Swingvasion staff will intervene. Depending on the severity of the situation, the offender may be asked to leave the event immediately and without refund.
  • Most importantly – let’s have fun!!